Cross Reference:
CL7006606, GEIC3645SR7A353T4, GL0606-00410, GL0606-00628, HU4012831, PL4013733, YP550012477, YP5500124-77 7006606, IC3645SR7A353T4, 0606-00410, 0606-00628, 4012831, 4013733, 550012477, 5500124-77
Please select the preferred condition for GE 72/80V 350/30A Regen SX Controller R7A353T4 if options are available.
Remanufactured OEM GE 72/80V 350/30A Regen SX Controller R7A353T4 will ship to your location in 1-3 days. Stock rebuilt items will generally ship same day unless prior testing is required. All rebuilt items are subjected to a core charge. The core charge will be refunded once we receive the core in one of our warehouse locations.
Repair Service for GE 72/80V 350/30A Regen SX Controller R7A353T4 will include a complementary pick up from anywhere in USA (48 contiguous states). We can schedule a pick up the same day of order. The repair process typically takes 3-5 business days. But can be completed sooner if parts are readily available. (this is usually the case for top selling items)
For more information, please call us at 1844-808-5280. This unit comes with 6 Months warranty up-gradable to 36 months.

The GE R7A353T4 is a separately excited controller with regenerative braking to zero speed. The model has an operating voltage of 72/80 volts, an armature current of 350 amperes, and a field current of 30 amperes. The controller can now be purchased here in Cloud Electric, your one-stop shop for all your electric component needs. Cloud Electric is a leading distributor of electronic components in North America. The store takes pride in our informative product descriptions, reliable pricing, and fast shipping.
Regenerative Braking to Zero Speed
72/80 V
350 A
30 A
Allows reversing the motor direction
Allows driving at a very low speed
Has acceleration control, current, and speed limiting
Regenerative Braking to Zero Speed
Ramp start
Anti-rollback protection
Has two steer pump time delay
SRO: Static Return to Off
Has accelerator volts hold-off
Pulse monitor trip
Thermal, voltage, hardware, and circuitry protection
System diagnosis is available
RS232 communication

