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Pot-Box FSIP Cableform
Cat/Mit/Daewoo Clark Curtis
General Electric Hyster Nacco
Sevcon Throttles Yale

Input & Accelerators Electric Vehicles, Golf Carts, Electric Forklifts

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Curtis-Potbox : Curtis Potbox - PB-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12A, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 TH-5V-SP : Throttle Simple Pedal 0-5V TH-ControlBox-BL : Throttle Control Box Set for Brushless DC Motor Systems
TH-5V-SP : Throttle Simple Pedal 0-5V
Price: $49.95
Sale Price!: $29.95
You save $20.00!
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TH-Hall-FT : Kelly 0-5V Throttle Pedal TH-K-FT : Throttle Foot 0-5K with Micro switch TH-PB-6 : Throttle PB-6 Type  0-5K with Micro-Switch
TH-K-FT : Throttle Foot 0-5K with Micro switch
Price: $99.95
Sale Price!: $79.95
You save $20.00!
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TH-FN-K1 : Throttle Function Control Box - SR Contrroller Speed Input TH-FN-KS : Throttle Function Control Box - XCT Personality & Speed Regen TH-FN-K2 : Throttle Function Control Box - XCT Speed & Regen
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Curtis Potbox PB-1 Curtis Potbox PB-10 Curtis Potbox PB-11
Curtis Potbox PB-1
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-10
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-11
Price: $136.77
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Curtis Potbox PB-12 Curtis Potbox PB-12A Curtis Potbox PB-13
Curtis Potbox PB-12
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-12A
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-13
Price: $136.77
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Curtis Potbox PB-14 Curtis Potbox PB-15 Curtis Potbox PB-16
Curtis Potbox PB-14
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-15
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-16
Price: $136.77
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Curtis Potbox PB-17 Curtis Potbox PB-18 Curtis Potbox PB-19
Curtis Potbox PB-17
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-18
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-19
Price: $136.77
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Curtis Potbox PB-2 Curtis Potbox PB-20 Curtis Potbox PB-4
Curtis Potbox PB-2
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-20
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-4
Price: $136.77
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Curtis Potbox PB-5 Curtis Potbox PB-6 Curtis Potbox PB-7
Curtis Potbox PB-5
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-6
Price: $136.77
Curtis Potbox PB-7
Price: $136.77
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Curtis Potbox PB-8 Curtis Potbox PB-9 Hyster Accelerator Board 60-814712
Curtis Potbox PB-8
List Price: $207.58
Price: $136.77
You save $70.81!
Curtis Potbox PB-9
Price: $136.77
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In a typical electric vehicle, the controller is the brains of the operation while the electric motor provides the twisting motion for forward or backward movement. However, the accelerator tells the controller how much electrical power to feed the motor. The controller translates the pressure applied on the accelerator pedal to adjust the motor speed.

Problems with accelerator units or accelerator boards are usually accompanied by an illuminated warning light. In the absence of problems with the controller, motor, and battery pack, the typical symptoms of a faulty accelerator unit include no throttle response, intermittent acceleration, or a sluggish operation.

Cloud Electric has a huge lineup of accelerators from top brands like General Electric, Hyster, Curtis, FSIP, Yale, Clark, Cableform, Sevcon, Nacco, Cat/Mit/Daewoo, and many more. We carry both remanufactured OEM and rebuilt units with low prices and an upgradeable six-months or 36-month warranty depending on the unit.