This charger can be replaced by: ChargePlus W/36V EZGO Pigtail Kit
Cross Reference:
CL7010888, EZ28115-G04, EZ602714, HU4102836, YP550096542, YP5500965-42 7010888, 28115-G04, 602714, 4102836, 550096542, 5500965-42
Please select the preferred condition for Powerwise 36V EZGO Charger 28115G04 if options are available.
Remanufactured OEM Powerwise 36V EZGO Charger 28115G04 will ship to your location in 1-3 days. Stock rebuilt items will generally ship same day unless prior testing is required. All rebuilt items are subjected to a core charge. The core charge will be refunded once we receive the core in one of our warehouse locations.
Repair Service for Powerwise 36V EZGO Charger 28115G04 | The repair process typically takes 3-5 business days. But can be completed sooner if parts are readily available. (this is usually the case for top selling items)
For more information, please call us at 1844-808-5280. This unit comes with 6 Months warranty up-gradable to 36 months.

Powerwise 36V EZGO Charger 28115G04
Powerwise 28115-G04 is a portable charger for batteries of 36-volt model E-Z-GO vehicles. The product is a 13 kg charging unit with a compact design and it comes with a 9-ft power cord. The charger can now be purchased here in Cloud Electric, your one-stop shop for all your electric component needs. Cloud Electric is a leading distributor of electronic components in North America. The store takes pride in our informative product descriptions, reliable pricing, and fast shipping.