Cross Reference:
CL7009335, DQ917-4810, EZ602089, EZ607468, EZ622416, EZ622418, HU4069676, YP550068864, YP5500688-64 7009335, 917-4810, 602089, 607468, 622416, 622418, 4069676, 550068864, 5500688-64
Please select the preferred condition for Delta-Q 48V 13A EZGO RXV Charger 9174810 if options are available.
Remanufactured OEM Delta-Q 48V 13A EZGO RXV Charger 9174810 will ship to your location in 1-3 days. Stock rebuilt items will generally ship same day unless prior testing is required. All rebuilt items are subjected to a core charge. The core charge will be refunded once we receive the core in one of our warehouse locations.
Repair Service for Delta-Q 48V 13A EZGO RXV Charger 9174810 will include a complementary pick up from anywhere in USA (48 contiguous states). We can schedule a pick up the same day of order. The repair process typically takes 3-5 business days. But can be completed sooner if parts are readily available. (this is usually the case for top selling items)
For more information, please call us at 1844-808-5280. This unit comes with 6 Months warranty up-gradable to 36 months.

Delta-Q 48V 13A EZGO RXV Charger 9174810 917-4810
EZGO RXV charger 917-4810 is from Delta-Q. This charger is a 48-volt model with a charging current of 13 amperes. It is a reliable electric vehicle charger that ensures high-quality performance and quality of charging. This charger can now be purchased here in Cloud Electric, your one-stop shop for all your electric component needs. Cloud Electric is a leading distributor of electronic components in North America. We take pride in our informative product descriptions, pricing, and shipping speed.
User Guide:
LED Display Indications:
Lower than 80%
Higher than 80%
Fully charged - 100%
Indications of Red LED Signals
1 Brief Flash of Red Light
AC Voltage should be checked. It should be valid/compatible.
1 Full Flash of Red Light
Poor DC connection contact Battery temperature: Greater than 50C (122F) Less than -10C (14F)
2 Flashes of Red Light
Incompatible battery voltage - the battery should not be more than 67.2V or less than 36V.
3 Flashes of Red Light
Timeout from charging
Exceeded 12-hour charging limit Battery is too old Low charging current due to environmental factors such as (high ambient temperature)
4 Flashes of Red Light
The battery is unable to reach the recommended level despite charging time exceeding the 12-hour limit.
6 Flashes of Red Light
Try to unplug and plug the cord. If the error persists, the charger needs repair.