Cross Reference:
BL026-507-1, CL6026-507, CT1207A-4103, HU3143800, YP150022706, YP1500227-06, YP220043800, YP2200438-00 026-507-1, 6026-507, 1207A-4103, 3143800, 150022706, 1500227-06, 220043800, 2200438-00
Please select the preferred condition for Curtis 24V 250A (5K-0) PMC 1207A-4103 if options are available.
Remanufactured OEM Curtis 24V 250A (5K-0) PMC 1207A-4103 will ship to your location in 1-3 days. Stock rebuilt items will generally ship same day unless prior testing is required. All rebuilt items are subjected to a core charge. The core charge will be refunded once we receive the core in one of our warehouse locations.
Repair Service for Curtis 24V 250A (5K-0) PMC 1207A-4103 will include a complementary pick up from anywhere in USA (48 contiguous states). We can schedule a pick up the same day of order. The repair process typically takes 3-5 business days. But can be completed sooner if parts are readily available. (this is usually the case for top selling items)
For more information, please call us at 1844-808-5280. This unit comes with 6 Months warranty up-gradable to 36 months.

Curtis 24V 250A (5K-0) PMC 1207A-4103
The programmable motor speed controller, Curtis Controller Model 1207A-4103, operates at a high frequency of 15 kHz, making it a noiseless and cost-efficient choice for small-sized electric vehicles such as pallet trucks and sweepers. The controllers of this model have premium and high-power features despite its compact design. Similar to other Curtis controllers, it is also compatible with the handheld programmer which is an optional device to use in adjusting parameters and conducting diagnostics and tests.
The Curtis 1207A-4103 has a nominal voltage of 24 volts, a current limit of 250 amperes, and 5K-0 ohms throttle input. It weighs 1.1 kg and is 165 mm in length, 122 mm in width, and 66 mm in depth. It provides a better driving experience due to embedded features and optional features offered, which can be added according to the preference and demands of the desired application.
The controller can now be purchased here in Cloud Electric, your one-stop shop for all your electric component needs. Cloud Electric is a leading distributor of electronic components in North America. We take pride in our informative product descriptions, pricing, and shipping speed.
24 V
Due to Heatsink: 500 VAC
30 V
16 V
16 V
33 V
CURRENT RATING (With Mounting Specification)
250 A
200 A
150 A
100 A
16-30 V
W/o Programmer: 80 mA
W/ Programmer: 130 mA
8 V
10 mA @ 24 V
15 kHz
5K-0 ohms
-25°C to 50°C
Resistant to splash
1.1 kg
165 mm
122 mm
66 mm
Highly efficient and noiseless operation
Compact Sizing
The design is particularly smaller than other Curtis controllers
Over and Under Voltage Protection
Protects the device and load against damage
Protection and Compensation Circuit for Temperature
Allows stable current limit and cutback function for during under and over temperature condition
On-Board Potentiometer (exclusive for single-mode models of 1207)
The speed, acceleration, and plug and main current limit are manually adjusted and controlled using the potentiometer
Circuitry for Fault Detection
Helps in preventing runaway conditions and monitors components such as the battery, and a bypass contactor, among others
Input Sequencing Options
Static Return to Off: Allows a safe start by requiring the forward and reverse selector to be returned to a neutral position before allowing an output
Neutral Start: Avoids risk of starting the vehicles when not in a neutral position
Contactor is Controlled by Microprocessors
Enhances the switching and contactor control
Neutral Braking Feature
The plug braking is automatically enabled in a neutral position
MultiMode input
The top speed of the vehicle is controlled and with applied limits along with 2 operating personalities
Emergency Reverse
Stops the advancing vehicle swiftly to allow a smooth change in direction (reverse)
Ramp Start
Produces power when beginning to go uphill
Simple wiring and driver monitoring
Prevents faults allowing it to operate without failure
Throttle Circuitry is Flexible
Allows various throttle options to be used for the controller
Ramp Programming
The static throttle map feature allows flexible adjustment of throttle response
Plating (Bus Bars)
Protection for solid copper bus bars
High-Quality Construction
The controller has a mounting plate made of aluminum and a cover made from injection molding
Wiring Diagram for 1207A (Series Motor)
Wiring Diagram for 1207A (Compound Motor)
