These are your upgrade options:
Cross Reference: CL7007825, CT1206-MX, EZ609083, EZ73263G01, EZ73326G01, EZ73326G02, EZ73326G04, EZ73326G05, EZ73326G06, EZ73326G07, EZ750RBLTCNTRL, HU3178568, NL670R, PHA000029430, YP150024745, YP1500247-45 7007825, 1206-MX, 609083, 73263G01, 73326G01, 73326G02, 73326G04, 73326G05, 73326G06, 73326G07, 750RBLTCNTRL, 3178568, 670R, A000029430, 150024745, 1500247-45
Please select the preferred condition for Curtis EZGO 36V 300A PDS Controller 1206-MX if options are available.
Remanufactured OEM Curtis EZGO 36V 300A PDS Controller 1206-MX will ship to your location in 1-3 days. Stock rebuilt items will generally ship same day unless prior testing is required. All rebuilt items are subjected to a core charge. The core charge will be refunded once we receive the core in one of our warehouse locations.
Repair Service for Curtis EZGO 36V 300A PDS Controller 1206-MX will include a complementary pick up from anywhere in USA (48 contiguous states). We can schedule a pick up the same day of order. The repair process typically takes 3-5 business days. But can be completed sooner if parts are readily available. (this is usually the case for top selling items)
For more information, please call us at 1844-808-5280. This unit comes with 6 Months warranty up-gradable to 36 months.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Curtis 1206MX are 36 volts controllers that are capable of providing higher torque compared to stock controllers. This controller is compatible with EZGO golf carts with PDS as its drive system. PDS is an abbreviation for Precision Drive System, which was manufactured in 2000 by EZGO. The nominal voltage of the controller is 36 volts and has a maximum current limit of 300 amperes.
State-of-the-art Design This product enables your engine to gain nearly double torque because when Upgrading from the stock 275A controller to a 300A PDS controller will nearly double the torque. This product comes with a beeper sound for easy diagnostics of any kind of fault. The sequence of beeps can be found in the PDS controller manual. The product's fault detection feature is easy to use; just follow the troubleshooting sequence to detect any kind of fault. The state-of-the-art design of the PDS controller provides higher efficiency, less maintenance, and low battery consumption than any other controller available on the market.
Application and Uses: This controller allows you to easily switch settings. For example, setting it for mild hills will cause it to increase your acceleration speed to make it easier to climb them and boost your regenerative braking when going downhill. The product is more cost-effective and easier to maintain than any other PDS controller. Its 300 Amps allows you to attain higher torque which makes your cart flight smoother on steep hills.
36 V
300 A
External Wiring Diagram